Nomadic ethics and thoughtful ethics

Nomadic ethics and thoughtful ethics

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Jorge Eliecer Martínez Posada
Audin Aloiso Gamboa Suárez
Alicia Ines Villa
Speak of the “subject” and “ethics” today must start from a different place or a non-place that understands the subject in his becoming and transformation, identifying him to recognize him, conceiving him as a subject in transit, a nomadic subject, which can be reinvented in an ethical exercise that is reflective of himself and himself, without forgetting his constant encounter with the other. This article of reflection aims to make an understanding and a journey through ethical developments, approaching a genealogy of it. Similarly, it tries to relate to the construction of subjectivity from the intimate, the public and the private, as a modes of action of the ethical in the subject and finally reflect on the transpositions of a nomadic ethic within multiple diasporas that allow a vision of modern ethics and possibility in the configuration of the subjects and their subjectivities.
This reflection manages to conclude that ethics is always in gestation and reconfiguration depending on the new demands of a global system, as a form of power that encourages resistance as a way of transposing the ethical devices that shape the behavior and habits of the subjects


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