Critical pedagogy in citizenship education: the case of the University of Pamplona

Pedagogía crítica en la formación ciudadana: caso universidad de pamplona

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Giovanny Ramirez-Ayala
Raúl Prada Núñez

This research proposal seeks to provide an answer to the following question: if higher education projects new spaces for the creation, interaction and participation of teachers and students, then how should autonomous citizenship be trained from higher education at the university of pamplona ? to this end, it is planned to develop curricular guidelines for training in autonomous citizenship for higher education at the university of pamplona, ​​based on representatives of this institution as well as teachers and students. it will be deepened from the theoretical line of Martínez (2001) that states: it is required to train not only citizens who defend and fight for the rights of the first and second generation, but also recognize the difference as a factor of progress and are willing to fight to that these do not induce inequalities and injustices, even at the cost of the exercise of certain levels of enjoyment of rights, by them. this proposal is a case study, the qualitative research installed in the interpretive paradigm will be used as an epistemological reference, where the hermeneutical-critical analysis based on the theory of symbolic interactionism prevails, supported by the theory based for the construction of the findings.


in this order of ideas, strategies were developed that made it possible to identify citizenship training in bachelor's degree students in child pedagogy by applying techniques such as the focus group, to conclude some conclusions are drawn that show the perceptions of teachers and students regarding critical thinking.



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