Análisis de las técnicas de enseñanza-aprendizaje para la elaboración de un protocolo terapéutico en infantes escolarizados con Síndrome de Down
Análisis de las técnicas de enseñanza-aprendizaje para la elaboración de un protocolo terapéutico en infantes escolarizados con Síndrome de Down
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Communication is one of the skills on which the construction of societies is based, because through it, thought and ideas are individually organized and the collective exchange of ideas, the sharing of opinions (diverse or found), is carried out. which allows to activate the complex network of social relations. Among all human practices of communication, language undoubtedly constitutes the most perfect and finished system, since at the same time it allows the elaboration of complex types of thought, it also favors its socialization. Although linguistic development accompanies every person throughout their life, it is a faculty that naturally activates itself early in the critical period of early childhood. In the case of people with Down Syndrome there are usually difficulties in linguistic development, both in its gold and written aspects, which becomes a barrier in the process of social adaptation and academic training. One of these difficulties has to do with the development of skills in the graphic gesture. In this direction, the intention of the present study, of documentary nature, has been to establish a synthesis on a set of indicators related to teaching-learning techniques, execution skills and the use of objects and elements for the development of the graphic gesture in a protocol of therapeutic intervention in infants enrolled with Down syndrome. The results represent a set of indicators and reference strategies for the professionals who are in charge of the therapeutic intervention. This protocol details the guidelines and actions to be followed in relation to each of the aspects related to the development of the graphic gesture in children with Down Syndrome.
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